Robin Hendrix Teaches the Great Singers' Technique
There are secrets to great singing, and the best singers knew them. They wouldn't sing any other way. As a result, most had long and glorious careers, maintaining fresh and beautiful voices long after leaving the stage. How did they do it? After years of searching, concert artist and voice teacher Robin Hendrix has found real answers, ones that ring true and can be proven in practice.
Books on voice culture from the early 1900s provided the most important clues. Robin combed through dozens of texts, and hundreds of recordings, broadcasts, fragments of interviews, and of course Denes Striny's excellent book "Head First, the Language of the Head Voice". It took five years to read and assimilate the enormous amount of information, whittling it down to its basics. She first applied her findings to her own singing, and then she began to teach others. The results have been remarkable.
Why was such a search necessary? Over the past century, there was a major shift in teaching, thanks to the discovery of the laryngoscope. Scientific observation of singing led to scientific teaching. That style of teaching, using local muscle manipulation became dominent at the turn of the 20th century – hold the mouth this way, shape the tongue that way, expand here, tighten there. Fewer and fewer voice teachers were exposed to the mental and physical conditions required to produce free and beautiful singing. Today almost no teachers know the technique, no matter how high they are on the ladder (top studios in New York, Rome, Berlin, Paris, etc.). Most singers finish their studies without a real technique, just a set of local muscular contractions or vague ideas about breath control and voice placement. It works for a while, but does not ensure the consistency of the sound. In time, such a lack of true technique will send the singer searching for answers – most often from unknowledgeable teachers or expensive charlatans who have no real answers, just some exercises and lots of anatomical explanations and local muscular work. Many singers give up in frustration, thinking they just weren't capable of "getting it".
There are real answers, ones known for centuries by great singers and their teachers. The technique they practiced was simple, logical and always produced the desired beauty and power naturally. It makes so much sense and shows such immediate results, students want more and more, and their singing keeps getting better week after week. With this training, young singers will get the right grounding – singing with no pressure – great diction – free and beautiful tone. Other singers already on their path will find a solution to pesky and potentially damaging vocal challenges. Gone are the aching throat, the pinched high notes, and the idea that there's something you just didn't get. The concepts Robin teaches will make so much sense and will yield results so quickly, you will never want to sing any other way. You'll feel great about your singing again. Teachers will find new tools to help every one of their students to reach their goals, and our doors are particularly and warmly open to voice teachers.
Whether you're new to the world of classical singing or an experienced performer, you'll learn the proper technique for ensuring beautiful singing. It's really fun and interesting to learn, and it works so well, you'll be delighted with the changes.
Robin gives individual and group classes and seminars at the Center for the Formation of the Voice in Serdinya, France. For educational institutions, arrangements can be made for master classes to be presented in English or French at your location. And now, via Skype, classes are available to students all over the world.
Contact us for details.